Strategic Plan 2018-2021
The following document was approved by the Council of the Society for the History of Natural History on 25 September 2018.

SHNH President 2018-2021
SHNH Strategic Plan 2018–2021
Mission, Purpose and Aims
- The Society is instituted for the historical and bibliographical study of all branches of natural history, including their cultural and social aspects, across all cultures.
- The Society shall promote the objects for which it was founded by the issue of publications and by such other means as the Council may from time to time direct.
Strategic Aims 2018–2021
- To improve our resilience by strengthening/widening our offer to engage more people in the history of natural history, attracting more members and so improving our financial position.
- To ensure the Society is well-managed, delivers the expectations of its members and achieves its charitable purpose.
- To re-invigorate and maintain links with the Natural History Museum which has been a key player in the history of, and support for, the Society.
- To promote links with like-minded organisations, especially with regard to increasing membership and joint conferences.
- To work closely with Edinburgh University Press in the publication of Archives of Natural History, and to develop a closer relationship regarding publicity, promotion and the management of the membership database.
- To review the awards currently offered by the Society, including the processes used for their promotion, implementation and funding.
- To explore the potential for more informal Society meetings/events to further networking, social connections and to engage new audiences.
- To review the guidelines/roles and the support given to the Society’s International Representatives in order to strengthen their ability to organise events in their own countries to promote recruitment.
- To regularly monitor and review the performance of the Society and report back to the annual Autumn meeting of Council.
Many of these aims have since been developed and delivered, culminating in the approval of new SHNH Byelaws Approved March 2021 and associated Schedules at a Special General Meeting of the Society held 23 March 2021. The Byelaws were approved by the Charity Commission and then adopted by the Society at a Special General Meeting held 29 June 2021.

SHNH President 2021-2024
The Strategic Plan and its aims will be further reviewed under the guidance of the current President, Gina Douglas and Council (2021-2024).