Archives of natural history, Volume 42 Pt 2 (2015)
The following papers and short notes have been formally accepted and published in Archives of natural history 42.2 in print and online in October 2015.
L. M. COOK: Joseph Sidebotham: vicissitudes of a Victorian collector.
S. KOYAMA: History of bird-keeping and the teaching of tricks using Cyanistes varius (varied tit) in Japan.
G. N. H. WALLER: An annotated checklist of mesoplodont whale species (Cetacea, Ziphiidae) discovered during the nineteenth century.
I. M. TURNER: Thomas Hardwicke (1756–1835): botanical drawings and manuscripts from the Hardwicke Bequest in the British Library.
P. G. MOORE: Michael Clegg (1933–1995): from naturalist to environmental correspondent in the multi-media age.
D. WATT, S. G. SEALY & M. F. GUIGUENO: Antoine Joseph Lottinger’s first book on the common cuckoo and its fosterers: a rare book with three different title-pages.
J. MATHEW: Edward Blyth, John M’Clelland, the curatorship of the Asiatic Society’s collections and the origins of the Calcutta journal of natural history.
K. ROOKMAAKER, J. GANNON & J. MONSON: The lives of three rhinoceroses exhibited in London 1790–1814.
T. A. DARRAGH & A. M. LUCAS: Two states of fascicle 1 of Mueller’s Fragmenta phytographiae australiae.
P. KOHLER: The role of Franz Herbich (1791–1865) in the organization of research on the natural history of Galicia (Austro-Hungarian Empire).
A. MacGREGOR: Five unpublished manuscripts of Johann Reinhold Forster (1729–1798) in the archives of the Linnean Society of London.
P. G. MOORE: William Percival Westell (1874–1943): a prolific popularizer of British natural history.
P. G. MOORE: Gilbert Dempster Fisher (1906–1985): the BBC’s “Hut Man”, Scottish naturalist, children’s author and radio broadcaster.
Short notes
S. ALBUQUERQUE: “Flower of Aristolochia gigas var. sturtevantii used as a hat by a native of British Guiana” – a photograph from Everard im Thurn at the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.
P. KÖHLER: Flora Lituanica inchoata (1781–1782) by J. E. Gilibert: a preliminary census of copies in Polish libraries.
C. KINZE & G. N. H. WALLER: Nineteenth-century records of Sowerby’s beaked whale (Mesoplodon bidens): addendum, Danish records.
K. ROOKMAAKER & J. VAN WYHE: The illustrations in A. R. Wallace’s Malay archipelago (1869) and in a much-enhanced French translation in Le tour du monde (1870–1873).
J. J. F. J. JANSEN & S. D. van der MIJE: Corrigenda to J. J. F. J. Jansen and S. D. van der Mije, Review of the mounted skins and skulls of the extinct Falkland Islands wolf, Dusicyon australis, held in museum collections. Archives of natural history 42: 91-100.