New opportunity with SHNH to join Editorial Team as Editor of Archives of Natural History, published by Edinburgh University Press. More details below.
Exciting opportunity at Archives of Natural History
Editor: Archives of Natural History
The Society for the History of Natural History (SHNH, a charity registered in the UK) is looking to appoint a new Editor for its internationally-renowned journal Archives of Natural History. The Society is instituted for the historical and bibliographical study of all branches of natural history, including their cultural and social aspects, across all cultures.
Archives of Natural History is issued twice a year, in April and October and is published by Edinburgh Press. Each issue, of approximately 220 pages, contains peer-reviewed illustrated papers as well as commissioned book reviews. For more information, please see: https://www.euppublishing.com/loi/anh.
The Editor is a member of the SHNH’s Council and works closely with a team of Associate Editors, and the Journals Production staff of Edinburgh University Press, the SHNH’s publisher, to ensure the continuing success of the journal by leading on the administration of the peer review process, co-ordinating publication schedules, and managing the operations of the editorial team. For more information on the Society, please see our website: https://shnh.org.uk/.
We are seeking someone who is well versed in one of the branches of natural history (or natural history bibliography), is reliable, self-motivated and able to commit time to the journal throughout the year. The role is voluntary but very rewarding, working with a friendly, enthusiastic team and with opportunities to speak, if you wish, at workshops and conferences.
The role description is attached. If you would like to be considered for this role, which is unpaid, please send a brief personal statement (no more than 500 words) indicating your ability to undertake the activities listed in the role description. Please send this personal statement, together with a CV, to secretary@shnh.org.uk. The deadline for applications is 31 March 2021.
Feel free to get in touch with the interim Co-ordinating Editor, Elaine Shaughnessy (elaine.shaughnessy@btinternet.com), or the SHNH President, Prof. Peter Davis (peter.davis@newcastle.ac.uk), if you have any questions about the role.
Download role description for role of Editor for Archives of Natural History.
SHNH Editor: Role
(a) The Editor is responsible to Council for the production of Archives of Natural History and any other additional publications that Council approves. The Editor presents a detailed report on the status of Archives of Natural History to each meeting of Council.
(b) The Editor works closely with our publishers to ensure that the journal appears on time according to an agreed schedule.
(c) The Editor is responsible for appointing a team of Associate Editors (one of whom will be the copy editor) and works closely with them to ensure peer review is carried out effectively.
(d) The Editor takes responsibility for nominating individuals to act as an Editorial Advisory Board; the Editorial Advisory Board may be appointed by Council on the recommendation of the Editor. The Editor will utilise the skills and knowledge of the Advisory Board to aid peer review and as consultees on the aims and development of the journal.
(e) The Editor advises Council on potential contributors for the Patron’s Review and is responsible for giving advice to the selected author and ensuring the article is subject to peer review before acceptance for publication. The Editor liaises between the Patron and the author as necessary.
(e) The Editor presents a report annually to the Editorial Board Meeting held in association with our publishers.