Last call for papers – From Royal Gifts to Biodiversity Conservation: The History and Development of Menageries, Zoos and Aquariums
Thursday 19th and Friday 20th May 2011, Chester Zoo, UK
This international Symposium is being held in celebration of the 75th Anniversary of the Society for the History of Natural History. It is a joint collaboration between the Society for the History of Natural History, Chester Zoo, and the Linnean Society of London, supported by the Bartlett Society and WAZA. The focus of the symposium is to provide a comprehensive overview of the history and development of living wild animal collections across the world.
Abstracts are invited for PAPERS OR POSTERS on the History and Development of:
· Zoos and Aquariums as Charitable Organisations
· Individual and Specialised Collections (butterflies, Insectariums / Bugworlds, Aviaries, Vivariums / Serpentariums and Dolphinariums)
· International Zoo and Aquarium Affiliated Organisations – the importance of partnerships
· Zoos and Aquariums as Leisure Attractions
· Zoo and Aquarium Architecture and Masterplanning
· Zoo and Aquarium Enclosure and Exhibit Design – the importance of animal welfare
· Zoo Animal Welfare, Ethics and Zoo Medicine
· The Concept of the ‘Zoological Garden’ – the Importance of Plants
· Zoo Animal Acquisitions – from Wild Collections to Sustainably Managed Conservation Breeding Programmes
· Zoo Conservation Science and Research in the Field
· Conservation Education in Zoos and Outreach Programmes
· Zoo History in the Making
An abstract submission form and other information on the meeting is available on the SHNH website at https://shnh.org.uk/meetings/future-meetings.html#c336
Abstracts should be sent to Claudine Gibson c.gibson@chesterzoo.org by 18th March, 2011.