Volume 9
THACKRAY, J. C. V. A. Eyles (18951978) an obituary and bibliography. JSBNH 9 (1): 19 (November 1978).
JACKSON, C. E. H. C. Richter John Goulds unknown bird artist. JSBNH 9 (1): 1014 (November 1978).
SAUER, G. C. The missing volume of John Goulds working notebook for his Birds of Europe. JSBNH 9 (1): 1516 (November 1978).
ROOKMAAKER, L. C. Two collections of Rhinoceros plates compiled by James Douglas and James Parsons in the eighteenth century. JSBNH 9 (1): 1738 (November 1978).
DANCE, S. P. Benjamin Rolfe and the Testaceologia Universalis (1813), an unknown author and an unrecorded shell book. JSBNH 9 (1): 3941 (November 1978).
GUÉDÈS, M. Notules de bibliographie botanique IXXV. JSBNH 9 (1): 4252 (November 1978).
SAJNER, J. and GEUS, A. Über eine Buchbespreching von Jan Evangelista Purkyn. JSBNH 9 (1): 5355 (November 1978).
OLDROYD, D. R. and HOWES, J. B. The first published version of Leibnizs Protogaea. JSBNH 9 (1): 5660 (November 1978).
THACKRAY, J. C. R. I. Murchisons Silurian System (1839). JSBNH 9 (1): 6173 (November 1978).
PORTER, R. and POULTON, K. Geology in Britain, 16601800: a selective biographical bibliography. JSBNH 9 (1): 7484 (November 1978).
BOOK NOTICES. JSBNH 9 (1): 8594 (November 1978).
BEDDALL, B. G. Scientific books and instruments for an eighteenth-century voyage around the world: Antonio Pineda and the Malaspina Expedition. JSBNH 9 (2): 95107 (April 1979).
PORTER, C. M. Subsilentio: discouraged works of early nineteenth-century American natural history. JSBNH 9 (2): 109119 (April 1979).
DEAN, D. R. The Gideon Mantell collection, New Zealand. JSBNH 9 (2): 121124 (April 1979).
TROYER, J. R. The natural history publications of John George Champion (18151854), soldier and botanist. JSBNH 9 (2): 125131 (April 1979).
ALLEN, D. E. The botanical family of Samuel Butler. JSBNH 9 (2): 133136 (April 1979).
BROCK, C. H. James Douglas (16751742), botanist. JSBNH 9 (2): 137145 (April 1979).
DAVIES, R. B. The Rev. Hugh Davies, F.L.S., (17391821): an outline of his literary life. JSBNH 9 (2): 147155 (April 1979).
BANARESCU, P. M. Emil Racovitza, a forgotten forerunner of the idea of speciation by geographic isolation. JSBNH 9 (2): 157159 (April 1979).
McMILLAN, N. F. and CERNOHORSKY, W. O. William Swainson, F.R.S., in New Zealand with notes on his drawings held in New Zealand. JSBNH 9 (2): 161169 (April 1979).
REHBOCK, P. F. Edward Forbes (18151854) an annotated list of published and unpublished writings. JSBNH 9 (2): 171218 (April 1979).
BOOK NOTICES. JSBNH 9 (2): 219221 (April 1979).
JARVIS, P. J. The introduced trees and shrubs cultivated by the Tradescants at South Lambeth, 16291679. JSBNH 9 (3): 223250 (November 1979).
TJADEN, W. L. Amaryllis belladonna and the Guernsey lily: an overlooked clue. JSBNH 9 (3): 251256 (November 1979).
NELSON, E. C. In the Contemplation of Vegetables Caleb Threlkeld (16761728), his life, background and contribution to Irish botany. JSBNH 9 (3): 257273 (November 1979).
ALLEN, D. E. The plagiarisms of Thomas Henry Cooper. JSBNH 9 (3): 275279 (November 1979).
MEYNELL, G. The personal issue underlying T. A. Knights controversy with William Forsyth. JSBNH 9 (3): 281287 (November 1979).
NELSON, E.C. Historical records of the Irish Ericaceae, with particular reference to the discovery and naming of Erica mackaiana. JSBNH 9 (3): 289299 (November 1979).
WHITEHEAD, P. J. P. The biography of Georg Marcgraf (16101643/4) by his brother Christian, translated by James Petiver. JSBNH 9 (3): 301314 (November 1979).
MEDWAY, D. G. Some ornithological results of Cooks third voyage. JSBNH 9 (3): 315351 (November 1979).
PESTANA, H. R. Reess Cyclopaedia (18021820) a sourcebook for the history of geology. JSBNH 9 (3): 353361 (November 1979).
BOOK NOTICES. JSBNH 9 (3): 363 (November 1979).
Papers presented at the International Conference on the History of Museums and Collections in Natural History, London 36 April 1979
Collectors and Collections in Europe
HORNÝ, R. Joachim Barrande (17991883), life, work, collections. JSBNH 9 (4): 365368 (April 1980).
HANZÁK, J. History of the Prague National Museum, with special regard to zoology. JSBNH 9 (4): 369373 (April 1980).
GREENWOOD, E. F. A history of Liverpool natural history collections. JSBNH 9 (4): 375382 (April 1980).
WELLNHOFER, P. The history of the Bavarian State Collection of Palaeontology and Historical Geology in Munich. JSBNH 9 (4): 383389 (April 1980).
FARBER, P. L. The development of ornithological collections in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries and their relationship to the emergence of ornithology as a scientific discipline. JSBNH 9 (4): 391394 (April 1980).
HOWARD, R. Medical politics and the founding of the Jardin des Plantes in Paris. JSBNH 9 (4): 395402 (April 1980).
BROCK, C. H. Dr. William Hunters Museum, Glasgow University. JSBNH 9 (4): 403412 (April 1980).
BERZI, A., CIPRIANI, C. and POGGESI, M. Florentine scientific museums. JSBNH 9 (4): 413425 (April 1980).
McMILLAN, N. F. William Swainson (17891855) and his shell collections. JSBNH 9 (4): 427434 (April 1980).
JAKUBOWSKI, G., JAKUBOWSKI, K., KOHLMAN-ADAMSKA, A., KOSMOWSKA-CERANOWICZ, B. and POPIEL-BARCZYK, E. The Museum of the Earth in Warsaw, its collections, aims, and publications. JSBNH 9 (4): 435447 (April 1980).
BIERNAT, G. Palaeontological collections in Poland: an historical outline and present-day possessions. JSBNH 9 (4): 449453 (April 1980).
Travellers and Explorers
DAVIES, K. C. Burchells serpents. JSBNH 9 (4): 455475 (April 1980).
DANCE, S. P. Hugh Cuming (17911865) Prince of collectors. JSBNH 9 (4): 477501 (April 1980).
GEORGE, W. Alfred Wallace, the gentle trader: collecting in Amazonia and the Malay Archipelago 18481862. JSBNH 9 (4): 503514 (April 1980).
PORTER, D. M. Charles Darwins plant collections from the voyage of the Beagle. JSBNH 9 (4): 515525 (April 1980).
HEPPER, F. N. On the botany of James Bruces expedition to the source of the Blue Nile 17681773. JSBNH 9 (4): 527537 (April 1980).
Zoological Gardens
PIETERS, F. F. J. M. Notes on the menagerie and zoological cabinet of Stadholder William V of Holland, directed by Aernout Vosmaer. JSBNH 9 (4): 539563 (April 1980).
SHAW, M. B. The Zoological Society of San Diego: its history and development. JSBNH 9 (4): 565571 (April 1980).
REICHENBACH, H. Carl Hagenbecks Tierpark and modern zoological gardens. JSBNH 9 (4): 573585 (April 1980).
Books in the Museum
ROOT, N. J. The Library of the American Museum of Natural History. JSBNH 9 (4): 587591 (April 1980).
CHURGIN, S. J. and SCHALLERT, R. History of the Smithsonian Institution Libraries, with special emphasis on the natural history. JSBNH 9 (4): 593606 (April 1980).
North American Collectors and Collections
NELSON, C. M. and YOCHELSON, E. L. Organizing Federal paleontology in the United States, 18581907. JSBNH 9 (4): 607618 (April 1980).
APPEL, T. A. Science, popular culture and profit: Peales Philadelphia Museum. JSBNH 9 (4): 619634 (April 1980).
DEISS, W. A. Spencer F. Baird and his collectors. JSBNH 9 (4): 635645 (April 1980).
KOHLSTEDT, S. G. Henry A. Ward: the merchant naturalist and American museum development. JSBNH 9 (4): 647661 (April 1980).
BOOK NOTICES. JSBNH 9 (4): 663669 (April 1980).