Archives of natural history Volume 31
Archives of natural history Volume 31
part 1 (April 2004)
C. H. Smith: Further additions to the bibliography of Alfred Russel Wallace (18231913): 1
R. L. Hodgkinson & J. E. Whittaker: Edward Heron-Allen FRS (18611943): a review of his scientific career, with an annotated bibliography of his foraminiferal publications: 6
M. J. M. Christenhusz: The hortus siccus (1566) of Petrus Cadé: a description of the oldest known collection of dried plants made in the Low Countries: 30
S. L. Long & S. K. Donovan: A relic of Lucas Barretts last dive (1862): 44
T. R. Birkhead, K. Schulze-Hagen & R. Kinzelbach: Domestication of the canary, Serinus canaria the change from green to yellow: 50
J. P. Hume & A. S. Cheke: The white dodo of Réunion Island: unravelling a scientific and historical myth: 57
H. W. Lack: An annotated catalogue of the printed illustrations by Franz Bauer (17581840): 80
A. Moore: Your lordships most obliged servant: letters from Louis Fraser to the thirteenth Earl of Derby, 1840 to 1851: 102
M. Walters: Birds depicted in a folio of eighteenth century water-colours by Sarah Stone: 123
H. M. Reeves, F.-M. Gagnon & C. S. Houston: Codex canadiensis, an early illustrated manuscript of Canadian natural history: 150
Short notes
J. Edmondson: Liverpool Botanic Gardens library catalogues: 167
E. C. Dickinson: Confirmation of the date of description of a broadbill (Calyptomena, Aves) published in Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London: 168
Obituary: Gordon Chenoweth Sauer MD (19212003) [by Ann Datta]: 170
Book reviews: 175
part 2 (October 2004)
P. Anker: The economy of nature in the botany of Nehemiah Grew (16411712): 191
Hiroshi Kajihara: Usamaro Takakura (18671944), Japanese pioneer nemertean researcher: 208
J. Loveland: Georges-Louis Leclerc de Buffons Histoire naturelle in English, 17751815: 214
J. J. Liston & L. F. Noè: The tail of the Jurassic fish Leedsichthys problematicus (Osteichthyes: Actinopterygii) collected by Alfred Nicholson Leeds an example of the importance of historical records in palaeontology: 236
L. J. Pigott: Silvester Diggles (18171880), Australian ornithologist: 253
M. Glaubrecht & M. Kotrba: Alfred Russel Wallaces discovery of curious horned flies and the aftermath: 275
G. R. Graves: Avian commensals in Colonial America: when did Chaetura pelagica become the chimney swift?: 300
D. L. Hawksworth: Miles J. Berkeleys lichenological interests: 308
K. A. James: Humbly dedicated: Petiver and the audience for natural history in early eighteenth-century Britain: 318
D. L. Opitz: Behind folding shutters in Whittingehame House: Alice Blanche Balfour (18501936) and amateur natural history: 330
Short notes
R. M. Peck: Audubon drawings discovered: 349
J. Cain: Missing items from published bibliographies for George Gaylord Simpson: 353
D. E. Allen: An 1861 instance of painting ones Bentham: 356
M. J. M. Christenhusz: The hortus siccus (1566) of Petrus Cadé: an amendment to Archives of natural history 31 (1): 358
Book reviews: 359
Indexes to volume 31: 379
Referees for volume 31: 382