Archives of natural history Volume 19
Archives of natural history Volume 19
FREEMAN, E. F. The origins of the Geologists Association. Anh 19 (1): 127 (February 1992).
BOURNE, W. R. P. FitzRoys foxes and Darwins finches. Anh 19 (1): 2937 (February 1992).
STEPHENS, L. D. and CALDER, D. R. John McCrady of South Carolina: pioneer student of North American Hydrozoa. Anh 19 (1): 3954 (February 1992).
ARAI, M. N. Research on coelenterate biology in Canada through the early twentieth century. Anh 19 (1): 5568 (February 1992).
FULLER, J. G. C. M. The invention and first use of stratigraphic cross-sections by John Strachey, F.R.S., (16711743). Anh 19 (1): 6990 (February 1992).
SARJEANT, W. A. S. Gideon Mantell and the Xanthidia. Anh 19 (1): 91100 (February 1992).
LONG, D. The Shetland Mammoth: its age, nature and possible origin. Anh 19 (1): 101105 (February 1992).
FULLER, J. G. C. M. William Smiths explanation of the colliers dial, 1798. Anh 19 (1): 107111 (February 1992).
WHEELER, A. The unpublished plates for Gunthers Catalogue of Fishes … (18591870) Anh 19 (1):113115 (February 1992).
TASMUSSEN, D. T. The mystery of Zebulon Pikes parakeet solved. Anh 19 (1): 117120 (February 1992).
BOOK REVIEWS. Anh 19 (1): 121143 (February 1992).
OVENELL, R. F. The Tradescant Dodo. Anh 19 (2): 145152 (June 1992).
TAYLOR, M. A. An entertainment for the enlightened; Alexander Weirs Edinburgh Museum of Natural Curiosities 17821802. Anh 19 (2): 153167.
McMILLAN, N. A note on the dates of two of Captain Thomas Browns conchological books. Anh 19 (2): 169170.
NELSON, E. C. William Henry Harvey as Colonial Treasurer at the Cape of Good Hope: a case of depression and bowdlerized history. Anh 19 (2): 171180.
BURNAY, L. P. Some bibliographical notes on Barboza du Bocages Ornithologie dAngola. Anh 19 (2): 181184.
EWAN, J. Through the jungle of Amazon travel narratives of naturalists. Anh 19 (2): 185207.
DICKENSON, J. Henry Walter Bates the naturalist of the River Amazons. Anh 19 (2): 209218.
WALLIN, L. Linnaean specimens in the Zoological Museum of Uppsala University. Anh 19 (2): 219230.
CAIN, A.J. The Methodus of Linnaeus. Anh 19 (2): 231250.
EMBERSON, R. M. Tentative dates of publication of the zoology plates of Dumont dUrvilles Voyage au Pol Sud, with particular reference to the Coleoptera. Anh 19 (2): 251260.
GOOD, D. A. Clarification of the type locality of Diploglossus millepunctatus OShaughnessy (Squamata: Anguidae). Anh 19 (2): 261263.
RALPH, R. A portrait of William MacGillivray. Anh 19 (2): 265267.
BOOK REVIEWS. Anh 19 (2): 269288.
WITHERS, C. W. J. Natural knowledge as cultural property: disputes over the ownership of natural history in the late eighteenth century. Anh 19 (3): 289303 (October 1992).
NELSON, E. C. A Short Treatise of Firr= Trees … (Dublin, 1705) by Samuel Waring. Anh 19 (3): 305306 (October 1992).
CLEEVELY, R. J. and CHAPMAN, S. D. The accumulation and disposal of Gideon Mantells fossil collections and their role in the history of British palaeontology. Anh 19 (3): 307364 (October 1992).
CLARK, P. F. and CROSNIER, A. Illustrations of the Zoology of R.I.M.S. Investigator: authors, dates, issues, parts, plates and titles. Anh 19 (3): 365374 (October 1992).
EVENHUIS, N. L. The publication and dating of Hermann Loews school-program Diptera articles. Anh 19 (3): 375378 (October 1992).
COOPER, J. A. The life and work of George Bax Holmes (18031887) of Horsham, Sussex: a Quaker vertebrate fossil collector. Anh 19 (3): 379400 (October 1992).
GOY, J. François Péron, Charles-Alexandre Lesueur and the first classification of Medusae. Anh 19 (3): 401405 (October 1992).
KRITSKY, G. Darwins Archaeopteryx prophecy. Anh 19 (3): 407410. (October 1992)
BOOK REVIEWS. Anh 19 (3): 411426 (October 1992).