SHNH Spring Meeting 2010 on “Commemorating the bicentenary of the birth of Philip Henry Gosse (1810-1888)”
The 2010 Spring Meeting and AGM will be held at the Torquay Museum, on Friday 14th and Saturday 15th May 2010, with the AGM taking place on Saturday.
The Torquay Museum was funded in 1844 by the Torquay Natural History Society, renamed the Torquay Museum Society in 2003. is located at 529 Babbacombe Road, Torquay Devon TQ1 1HG. See www.torquaymuseum.org/ for more information.
The meeting will be held on Friday 14th and Saturday 15th May 2010, with the AGM taking place on Saturday. The subject will be the life and work of the Victorian naturalist and writer Philip Henry Gosse, in celebration of the bicentenary of his birth. More incformaton on him can be found on en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Philip_Henry_Gosse
- Ann Thwaite, author of Glimpses of the wonderful, Philip Henry Gosse. Gosse, the man.
- Geoff Moore, SHNH President. Sea anemones and a well-turned ankle: T. A. Stephenson’s artistic legacy in the footsteps of Gosse.
- Chris Meechan, National Museum of Wales. The Blaschka glass model business and the use of Gosses’ books, in particular Actinologia Britannica.
- Catherine Levy, Kingston, Jamaica. Gosse’s sojourn in ‘glorious Jamaica’.
- Ray Williams,Tring. The Actinologia: parts and piracy.
The SHNH SGM and AGM will be held on Saturday 15 May.
For further information or offers of additional papers, please contac the Meetings Secretary, Gina Douglas by e-mail or write to her c/o 23 Jeffreys Road, London SW4 6QU, UK.
Image source: section from Plate V in "British Sea-Anemone and Corals" by Philip Henry Gosse, Van voorst, Paternoster Row, London, 1860. Source: Wikimedia Commons
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