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Society for the History of Natural History

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SHNH Meeting Exeter: last call for registrations and updated programme information

SHNH Meeting Exeter: last call for registrations and updated programme information

Saturday 18th May 2013

Collectors and Collections in the Royal Albert Memorial Museum, Exeter 

Museum opens at 10.00:   Registrations, tea/coffee on arrival

10.30 -10.55 Ron Cleevely: A brief re-appraisal of George Montagu’s contributions to Devon’s natural history

11.00 -11.25 Professor David Nichols: Percy Sladen: Echinoderm Collector.

11.30- 11.55 Dr Anne Secord: Mrs Griffiths and seaweed collectors in the early 1800s.

12.00-12.30   Society for the History of Natural History Special General meeting and Annual General Meeting (details will be in SGM/AGM papers to be circulated nearer the date)

12.30 – 14.00 Lunch break*

14.00 – 15.00: “Behind the scenes” collection tours with Helen Burbage, Collections and Audiences Assistant.

15.00 – Delegates free to explore museum and/or Exeter

18.00- 20.30  Dinner (for booked diners): Côte Brasserie. 19 – 20 Cathedral Yard EX1 1HB …………………………………………………………………………………………


Please complete and return this form, with payment (cheques payable to The Society for the History of Natural History) to:

 G. Douglas, Meetings Secretary, 23 Jeffreys Road, London SW4 6QU, UK. 

The closing date for registration will be Friday 10th May 2013. I will confirm registrations by email on 13th May.

The Conference fee includes a tea/coffee break, lunch* and a “behind the scenes “tour of the museum collections.

Registration Form