SHNH announces its awards and welcomes new Council Members
SHNH Council is delighted to announce that the SHNH Founders’ Medal has been awarded to Professor Tim Birkhead for his outstanding contribution to Natural History. Tim was presented with his award at the Society’s AGM in Norwich on 1 July 2016.
Professor Mary Terrall has been awarded the John Thackray Medal for her monograph Catching Nature in the Act: Réaumur and the Practice of Natural History in the Eighteenth Century (University of Chicago Press, 2014).
Ms Gina Douglas has been awarded an SHNH Honorary Membership for her long and valued contribution to the Society, and in particular for her role as Meetings Secretary.
SHNH Council thanks it retiring members of Council for their hard work on behalf of the Society: Ms Jo Hatton, Dr Sachiko Kusukawa, Dr Leucha Veneer and Professor Ray Williams and welcomes Mr Jack Ashby and Dr Clemency Fisher to Council following election at the Society’s AGM.