**Nominate someone for the SHNH Founders Medal** awarded for making a substantial contribution to the study of the history or bibliography of #NaturalHistory
Nominations for the Society’s Founder’s Medal should be sent to the Secretary (secretary@shnh.org.uk)
before 19 January 2020
Dear Members
The Society honours excellence in all aspects of the History of Natural History, awarding medals and honours (see https://shnh.org.uk/awards-honours-medals/). The Founders’ Medal is awarded to persons who have made a substantial contribution to the study of the history or bibliography of natural history. More than one medal can be awarded in any given year.
Nominations close in January – so now is the time to nominate those deemed to have made a significant contribution to our field. Nominees should preferably be members of the Society (See https://shnh.org.uk/awards-honours-medals/founders-medal/).
Please help our Society in its continued effort to celebrate excellence in the study of the history of natural history by nominating a deserving recipient. Nominations for the Society’s Founder’s Medal should be sent to the Secretary (secretary@shnh.org.uk) before 19 January 2020.
With best wishes,
Professor Peter Davis
President, Society for the History of Natural History