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Society for the History of Natural History

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Archives of Natural History Vol. 39.2 now published

Archives of Natural History Vol. 39.2 now published

 The new issue of Archives of natural history Volume 39.2 is now published online. Please see contents and abstracts available on the website.  For convenience, the contents are also listed below.

The complete set of Archives Volumes 1 – 39 are available to all SHNH members online. SHNH Members please note that you will need to activate the 2012 token for continued access even if you have activated a previous token. We have created a new webpage "How to Register for Archives of natural history online" to help guide you through the process.

Free sample issue Archives of Natural History Volume 38.1

The Society for the History of Natural History is a friendly international society for everyone who is interested in natural history in the broadest sense.  This includes botany, zoology and geology as well as natural history collections, exploration, art and bibliography. Everyone with an interest in these subjects – professional or amateur – is welcome to join.

The Society’s main publication is Archives of natural history, produced twice a year, and distributed free to all members. It contains refereed, illustrated papers and book reviews and is published for the Society by Edinburgh University Press.  For more information see the SHNH pages on the EUP website.  Individuals who are not members of the Society are invited to join SHNH or may access the back issues on payment of an access fee.